Elite/Outstanding Players 2023 Indiana Judo "Player of the Year" Awards

2023 Outstanding Club - Ross Community Center Judo
Ross Community Center Judo is a club from Muncie, IN.
Ross Community Center Judo is an excellent program that was created to help personally progress its students in the sport but also to help others discover judo.

2023 Outstanding Coach: Vickie Daniels
Judan Judo Club
Sensei Vickie Daniels, is proud to coach of Judan Judo. She is a Rokudan (6th degree black belt).

Evan Miller
Marion PAL Judo
Outstanding Sr. Male

Ivy Raebel
IU Judo
Outstanding Sr. Female

Arch Cramer
Jr. Boys 13 & over

Arell Sago
Ross Community Center Judo
Jr. Boys 13 & over

Layla Curles
Ross Community Center Judo
Jr. Girls 13 & over

Leon Leal
Southbend Judo
Jr. Boys 9 to 12

Alexis Tipton
Judan Judo
Jr. Girls 9 to 12

Daylan Winter
Judan Judo
Jr. Boys 8 & under

Adrena Wilson
Matside Judo
Jr. Girls 8 & under

Liam Donovan
IU Judo
Veteran Male

Heather Bess
Fishers YMCA Judo
Veteran Female